Saturday, February 21, 2009

Woe is me!

SO there has been no cooking, no experimenting, no incredibly amazing dishes, no nothing in my new little apartment. I do have to commend myself on a very nicely done steak with pan gravy and mushrooms and onions. The problem wasn't with the food though, it was with the setting. Let's just say I don't exactly have a full dining set, it's more of a plastic plate set atop my dog's kennel! I know, I know at least I have a roof over my head.
But I do have to say that my love for cooking has not diminished, I am constantly on the search for that new and exciting dish that will make me go oh man!! The problem is, the setting and as any seasoned eater knows, the setting and the company are a very crucial part of the dining experience. So needless to say that since I dine on top of my dogs kennel, I don't invite too many people over for dinner. I think until I am done with this semester and can find something a little more permanent and a little bigger, HAHA, I will have to depend on others cuisines for my major eating and dining experiences.
I am planning on doing some mussels here in the near future, so you may just see another post from me shortly!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One Meal, One Family

So it finally happened last night!! My son ate the exact same thing that I ate, no difference whatsoever. I was ecstatic. He is finally developing those tastebuds for something more than chicken, broccoli and carrots. While there is nothing wrong with that, I just want him to have a good understanding of good food. I was making a new skillet meal, ground beef, mushrooms and tomatoes (seasoned accordingly of course). Jokingly, I asked if he wanted what daddy was eating and he looked in the skillet and said yes!! I couldn't believe it. I made some peas and roasted some red potatoes and he ate everything and kept telling me what a good cook I was. Now while I like the fact that his instincts are telling him to praise my culinary skills, I even more so enjoyed the fact that he appreciated a good meal. Of course I let him help me as I always do and I think that really helps, because that is usually when I get him to try something new at least once. Next is going to be fish, so I have to find a kid friendly fish recipe that hopefully won't have to be breaded in anyway. No more picky eaters in this house!!